Rabu, 02 April 2008


The story of Brian Gorrell, the Australian gay socialite who was, according to him, swindelled by his Filipino boyfriend the amount of US$ 70,000.00 or PhP 2,905,000.00 ($1=P41.5), has hit cyberspace, the dailies and now national television.

TV Patrol’s correspondent Gigi Grande reported about Brian’s campaign for justice through his blog.

According to Brian "The exposure of my story on television has given my experience validity and the credibility it deserves.

Thank you ABS-CBN for looking closely at my facts and acting accordingly. Being interviewed was strange. But the film crew was beautiful and made the entire thing very easy.

I am a very private person. But I am happy with the outcome.

Gigi was very good to me, as was her assistant. Thank you Gigi for treating this story with respect and consi­-deration."

See video report below:

Video courtesy of: starmometerdotcom

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