ABS-CBN's upcoming new show "Galema, Anak ni Zuma" will depict the story of mythical creatures known for having a two-headed snake wrapped around the shoulders. The Kapamilya Network and the creators of the original Zuma series—director Ben Yalung and writer Jim Fernandez—have already agreed to bring it to life again via television.
Galema, Anak ni Zuma is sure to heat up your nights with the beautiful and sultry Galema, which will be played by one of the most talented and stunning faces in showbiz.
The man behind the hit series Marina, Kampanerang Kuba, Dyosa and other popular fantaseryes, director Wenn Deramas will create the television version of Galema with Raymund Dizon as business unit head.
Anak ni Zuma was serialized by Aliwan Komiks from 1976 to 1984, making it one of the longest running series in Philippine komiks. In 1985, the film Zuma was shown to the public with Max Laurel cast as the evil Zuma and Snooky Serna as his kind-hearted daughter named Galema. Max reprised his role in the follow-up film titled Anak ni Zuma.
In the 1985 movie, Zuma (Max Laurel) was entombed in a buried Aztec pyramid but he was unearthed by an archaeological expedition team. The demigod wrecks havoc in the world but he is buried again in an avalanche. Years later, he resurfaces and faces his offspring (played by then child star Snooky Serna).
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