Little Ashes is a British drama film, set against the backdrop of Franquist Spain as three of the era's most creative young talents meet at university and set off on a course to change their world. Luis Buñuel watches helplessly as the friendship between Salvador Dali and the poet Federico Garcia Lorca develops into an unusual love affair.
The movie stars Robert Pattinson as Salvador Dalí, Javier Beltrán as Federico Garcia Lorca and Matthew McNulty as Luis Buñuel.
Watch below Robert Pattinson (plays as Salvador Dali) share a smooch with his Javier Beltran (as Federico Garcia Lorca) as the two engage in some naked nighttime swimming.
Directed by Paul Morrison and Andres Padilla, Little Ashes starts rolling out to U.S. theaters on May 8, 2009.
Video Source: Perez Hilton
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